Sunday, February 21, 2010

White Russian Roulette

Drunk blog, bloggie, blogeria, blogesms....tonight we learned:
-the night of broken ass may not be funny
-we have the tools to fix your stools
-found out what a donkey dick is
-made P.P. Li technicolor yawn
-hit Fritz where he shits
-figured out what a white African is
-make sure you hang your beef curtains to the side
-jiggle your jolly roger
-explode the commode in your abode

Friday, January 29, 2010

Here are some of those wonderful peephole videos

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New films

Six feet under brought to you by symbiotic galleries care of Phillip Spangler.

super8 films of Jonathan Hancock


winton slide


There are a lot of upcoming information.
Arthole exhibited video in the show People Peephole
it took place in November 27th ran until janurary 2nd.

If a viewer would like to see some public artwork a pedestrian
should look at the buildings in Brighton to see the infamous
Arthole steals your Art soul" wheatpaste.

wheatpasting nights will be scheduled soon.
every wednesday @ tigerlily press there is a print and draw night
every third sunday of the month there is a brutal critique night.

email any press or photos of happenings to

next post to follow will be some photo uploads.