Monday, June 23, 2008

working in studio

This week in the studio was very busy as well. I got all the molds patched from last week and ready for a bronze pour. The pour is going to happen this week I think Wednesday but not sure as of right now. I get to pour a lot of bones that’s almost 6 sculptures!!! That’s 2 bigger sculptures the dog jaws and human clavicle and 4 smaller bone sculptures. I’m really excited but I’m going to be really broke. Bronze is about $4.50 a lbs. and that’s a lot of metal. I hope to start working in the metal shop next week getting these bone sculptures together and pushed to being finished. Other then my sculptures I have gotten a little further on my drawing of Fly on the Wall. I still think it need some work on the fly but at least I’m working on it. I hope to have it ready for the ARTHOLE crit on Sunday the 29th. Gives me a bit of a deadline and pushes me to get it done as well so I can move onto something else. I have also started working on some other projects this week, nothing big but it is interesting. These crosses are part of a silkscreen project well see if it works out but no guarantees. Last is a picture I took that I think is its own art piece. I found a car flag just discarded and dirty on the ground. The image to me just said it all to me how people always throw away everything and replace it. Consumerism at its best and now even the flag itself is throw onto the ground because its dirty. Anyway just though it was a great snapshot for thinking!! Enjoy. As always thanks for your ongoing support of the art revolution and remember to check out my website.

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